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WinFBE 1.5.7 (test version)

Started by Paul Squires, January 16, 2018, 07:01:40 PM

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Paul Squires

(Edit: Test version #6 in the link below)

I am posting this 32-bit and 64-bit test version for the upcoming WinFBE 1.5.7 release. You should download and extract the rar file to a separate folder rather than overwrite any of your existing files.

Please treat this EXE as a test version until I am confident that the parser and autocomplete is error free. I have not encountered any serious problems but I have not tested it on a the widest variety of code files.

Please test the editor on various source code files to see how the autocomplete and codetips popups respond. If you encounter any GPF's then please let me know.

- Added: Dual pane split screen file editing.
- Added: Multiline comment support to scintilla dll editing component. /'  '/
- Added: Additional error check to report failed GoRC resource file compiles.
- Changed: Updated to use WinFBX Library Version 1.0.02.
- Changed: Better handling of auto insert of IF/THEN single and and other mulitline statements.
- Changed: Much improved autocomplete and codetips to handle shared/local variables and TYPE's.
- Changed: Latest scintilla dll for Win32 and Win64.
- Fixed: Popup autocomplete list will not show if activated as part of commented line (line commented using an "'").

(Edit Jan 17)
- Fixed error in parser to correctly recognize Subs in class structures rather than identify them as Functions.
- Fixed displayed text in secondary autocomplete popup window to show "<no parameters>" for subs/functions that do not have any parameters.
- Corrected problem whereby ending an autocomplete selection by pressing the "(" button did not automatically then invoke the popup codetip showing the parameters.
- Fixed parser to obtain both Get and Set versions of TYPE Properties. This both also show in the popup autocomplete list with additional descriptive text; (Get) (Set)

(Edit Jan 18)
- Added parsing for named ENUMs.
- Added parsing for TYPEs that Extend other TYPES.
- Adjusted font to monospaced Courier New for the secondary popup info tip window for autocompletes.

(Edit Jan 20)
- Added parsing for WITH/END WITH blocks so autocomplete popup will trigger when inside such blocks.
- Added 64-bit WinFBE exe and Scintilla dll.

(Edit Jan 27)
- Improved the loading and parsing of #Include files.
- Worked on improving the Codetip / Autocomplete system.
- Correct multiple file linking when more than one project is open.

(Edit Jan 29)
- Lots more work done on improving Autocomplete.
- Fixed couple of minor issues when multiple projects are open.

I have not been able to fix the UTF-8 problem Jose reported for the split window. I am applying the exact same properties to both windows so at the moment I am a little confused as to why it is happening.

Here is the download link:  http://www.planetsquires.com/WinFBE_test6.rar
Paul Squires
PlanetSquires Software
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer

José Roca

Whe I split the window, the second one displays my name in UTF-8.

José Roca

Some properties don't display the return type, e.g. CWindow.AccelHandle() instead of CWindow.AccelHandle() AS HACCEL, and the method Resize only Displays "FUNCTION".

BTW if there are a get and a set property, it only displays one of them.

Paul Squires

Thanks Jose, I never noticed that utf-8 issue before. I will fix that first thing in the morning.
The AccelHandle and Resize issues are parsing problems. I will try to fix those as well. I know about the Property get/set and wil try my best to get both versions in there.
Paul Squires
PlanetSquires Software
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer

Paul Squires

I also need to parse named ENUMs.
Paul Squires
PlanetSquires Software
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer

Paul Squires

I also need to handle the situation where one TYPE extends from one or more other TYPE.
Paul Squires
PlanetSquires Software
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer

Paul Squires

First post updated with new version information and download link.
Paul Squires
PlanetSquires Software
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer

Paul Squires

Parsing for named ENUMs is now complete and working well.

Parsing and displaying TYPEs that extend other TYPEs is working also. The parsing should honor the Private/Public/Protected keywords from the TYPE being extended so the property elements will be shown in the autocomplete popup.

Still haven't figured out that utf-8 with the split window and it is driving me nuts! :)

I'll post another test version this evening.

Paul Squires
PlanetSquires Software
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer

Paul Squires

First post updated with new version information and download link for Test version #3.
Paul Squires
PlanetSquires Software
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer


Not sure if you've implemented it yet, but can't get the colour option to work, all text is black on loading a previously written program. Not tried anything else.

Paul Squires

Colors should work fine. Sounds like maybe a corrupted settings .ini file? Maybe try deleting that config file from the Settings folder and restart the program.
Paul Squires
PlanetSquires Software
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer


had a thought, I had tested it on a Firefly Form file - which has basic I'd written at the end. No colours. But, copied the .frm file, changed extension to .bas and now winfbe shows colours as expected.

Paul Squires

That's right - WinFBE determines the syntax coloring based on trying to determine if the file is a code file. In this case it looks at the file extension and will enable syntax coloring for *.bas, *.inc and *.bi

As you've noticed, *.frm is not recognized as a code file.
Paul Squires
PlanetSquires Software
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer

Paul Squires

First post updated with new version information and download link.

This is version Test#4 and will most likely be the last. I will push the source code and binaries to GitHub this weekend. This last test version handles WITH/END WITH blocks for autocomplete popups.
Paul Squires
PlanetSquires Software
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer

Paul Squires

Updated the Test4 download package to include the 64-bit WinFBE exe and Scintilla dll.
Paul Squires
PlanetSquires Software
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer