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this just in..... (my 1st INI wrapper PRJ)

Started by veltesian, September 05, 2020, 11:53:50 PM

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over the last few days i looked into perhaps building a CIniFile type wrapper as it showed in
one of the help files... included is the *.bas & the *.ini file most importantly.

Paul Squires

Hi, I am not sure that I understand. You say that you are building a wrapper around Jose's WinFBX's CIniFile code but what I see is a form that uses the CIniFile code to load values from an ini and then save values the ini. I guess that your intention was to show how to use the CIniFile class in an actual project rather than build a wrapper around CIniFile itself.
Paul Squires
PlanetSquires Software
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer


i just used the cIniFile Class code in the winfbx library help section to build that project.
i want to thank jose for including that code so i could put it together & learn about it.
how it works.... the idea involved with the code.....& my learning of programming concepts
i had not before.