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TreeView problem

Started by Robert Rioja, March 02, 2016, 06:48:06 PM

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Robert Rioja

I am having trouble getting a TreeView to respond to a right mouse click.  Both FORM1_TREEVIEW1_WM_CONTEXTMENU and FORM1_TREEVIEW1_WM_RBUTTONUP respond to a double right mouse click, but not to a single click.  Can anyone explain ?

Paul Squires

Paul Squires
PlanetSquires Software
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer

Robert Rioja

I think that the code only works for "leaf" nodes that have no children nodes.  But it does not work for nodes that do have children.  I want to trap right-clicks on any node.  The only way I have found that works is using the %WM_CONTEXTMENU case.  But I have not found a way to trap double right-clicks.