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tabcontrol tabicon ?

Started by Paul D. Elliott, May 23, 2006, 06:44:04 PM

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Paul D. Elliott

I started a new project and put a tab control ( along with a few other
buttons / labels / text boxes and such ) on the form. And started laying
out the form for the 1st tab. when I tried compiling, I got an error message from RC.exe about trying to reference X.... at Y.... BUT the
rest of the compile went thru fine ( EXE created ). I'm not sure what I
did wrong but RC.exe doesn't seem to like the line


at the end of the .RC file. I don't have any icons set for the tab control
and don't plan on adding any. I don't recall setting any flags that had to
do with icons for the tab control. just naming the tabs and assigning
the 1st form for the 1st tab.

RC.exe leaves 2 files but does produce the .pbr file and ends with an
error code of RC2135 on the above line. If I remove that line then I
get no error messages.

What did I do wrong this time?


Hi Paul,

I'm not sure why you would experience an error like that. I followed your steps and everything compiled okay.

I don't think that I touched anything to do with the tab control icons over the last couple of FireFly versions. I assume that you are using the most recent FireFly version.

The latest engine is here:

Anyone else here experience this problem?

Paul D. Elliott

I'm not sure what caused the problem, either. Maybe some odd
interaction between FF & PB WIN v8 & Delphi v5. I'm converting a program
from Delphi over to PB and for a few hours I had all 3 running.

So before I updated with your zip file, I started FF and deleted the Tab
control. Then I added a Tab control and set the 1st tab to point to the
proper form. And tried to compile. Same error as yesterday. All this
without restarting FF. RC file still had the TabIcon line.

So I shut down FF and updated from your zip file. Then did the exact
same steps as above. This time NO ERROR and no line in the RC file
about TabIcon.

I just compared the 2 frm files and the tab control has no differences.
Well, it works now.


Paul D. Elliott

Below is the Tab control from the form. In case you can see something
odd. It's the same as yesterday. Must have been some change in

[ControlType] TabControl | PropertyCount=12 | zorder=1 | tabindex=6 |
custom=4|0|Address Information|||AddressInfo|Invoice Information||||Product Information||||Extra Notes||||
font=Microsoft Sans Serif,-11,0,0,0,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0