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Thank you for the years.

Started by Petrus Vorster, April 15, 2024, 09:19:24 AM

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Petrus Vorster

Hi Paul

It is regretful that you have decided to close the forum.

You made programming possible for me with Firefly and WinFBX.
Your support was unrivaled in the industry.

I will sincerely miss you and your kind advice.
You and José took me from absolute zero, miles above where I ever thought I would be.
Thank you for that.
Now a new challenge awaits where to go for Hobbyists as the software industry is changing with unimaginable speed.

I hope you enjoy your retirement. May it be a great time to relax, do other things and learn a few new things.

May you be blessed.


Mike Doty

Wish you the best in retirement!
Keeping the SQLitening forum going was also something you did not have to do.



Here's to you, Paul, and I hope retirement is good to you.

I've watched WinFBE grow from essentially a text editor with a compile button and some great examples to a full-fledged Windows developer (with great examples). It will continue to be my go-to tool for making Windows programs.


Wilko Verweij

Thanks so much Paul. I was not very active anymore in the past few years but I learned a lot here (also from José of course). It is a pity that the forum will disappear completely. Is it possible you make a backup before you close, in case someone else wants to continue this?
Thanks again, Wilko

Joerg B.

Hello Paul

Everything has its time.

This is "bad" news for me/us and very unfortunate, but I can also understand it.
Even if programming is a hobby or passion of yours or ours, no one wants to do it until life is over.

If you want to keep the program up to date for now, that's also good news in a way.

I wish you all the best in your new phase of life and lots of time for yourself, family, grandchildren or whatever.

You and José have spent a lot of time creating programming environments or libraries that make life easier for me/us as "hobby programmers" without us having to acquire in-depth knowledge of APIs etc. In the end, we were the beneficiaries. In the end, we were the beneficiaries. In the end, we were the beneficiaries.

In the end, we were the beneficiaries of your passion.

Your name and José's name are firmly associated with WinFBE.
Greeting from Germany


Ian Vincent

Paul, best wishes for your retirement.
Over the years, you have provided far more than most, and with a level of patience that I can only admire.
I hope you can find a way to keep in touch with both the FB and PB community, even it is infrequent.

Best of luck.