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Started by Petrus Vorster, June 16, 2023, 04:02:12 PM

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Petrus Vorster

Hi All

I want to put all available printers into a combobox.
I can easily get the list of printers using José's Cprint class, but unlike Powerbasic the list is not comma delimited, but a carriage return.

How would I do a AfxStrParseCount on that string?
Or are there other means to populate the combobox other than a little loop extracting the delimited CWSTR?



Petrus Vorster

O, nevermind.
Chr$(13) as delimiter seem to work just fine.


José Roca

They are separated by a carriage return and a line feed. Therefore, the correct use is to pass CHR(13, 10). CHR, not CHR$ (this is not PowerBasic).

Petrus Vorster

Thank you José.

Correction made!
